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Instructor AMA

March 28 @ 1:00 pm - 2:00 pm

Tuesday |  1 Hour |  1:00-2:00 PM EST (10:00 AM PT, 5:00 PM GMT)

Attend LIVE to learn directly from subject matter experts.

Immerse yourself in our live Web3 AMA Session, guided by our seasoned instructor. This platform allows you to not only pose your Blockchain-related questions but also learn in a collaborative environment and simultaneously broaden your professional network.

Our knowledgeable subject matter experts stand ready to provide answers. However, keep in mind that the charm of Blockchain rests in the quest for consensus, true to its moniker, the “truth machine”. Occasionally, you might find some queries that lack a universally accepted answer, a scenario that echoes the very spirit of Blockchain.

What is Web3?

Web3, also known as Web 3.0, symbolizes the next evolution of the internet. It capitalizes on blockchain technology to foster a decentralized and intelligent web, thereby diminishing the reliance on centralized data storage and promoting more direct peer-to-peer interactions.

What is blockchain technology?

Blockchain, a distinct type of distributed ledger technology (DLT), records data across various systems in a secure, transparent, and unalterable manner. While it forms the foundation for cryptocurrencies like Bitcoin and Ethereum, it harbors potential applications that extend well beyond the realm of digital currency.

What is AI (Artificial Intelligence)?

AI mimics human intelligence in machines, programmed to replicate human thought patterns and actions. AI technology possesses the capability to learn and solve problems, and it finds usage across a vast spectrum of contexts, from recommendation systems to autonomous vehicles.

How does blockchain work?

In essence, blockchain operates by logging information in a series of blocks. Each of these blocks houses data, its own hash, and the hash of the preceding block. This design renders the blockchain impervious to modifications, as any change in a block necessitates alterations in all subsequent blocks.

What are smart contracts?

Smart contracts, in essence, are self-fulfilling contracts with the agreement’s stipulations directly encoded into the code. They function on the blockchain, guaranteeing public storage and immutability. Upon the fulfillment of pre-set conditions, smart contracts autonomously trigger transactions.

How is AI used in blockchain?

AI finds utility in blockchain for an array of purposes. It augments security through anomaly detection, boosts scalability via intelligent optimization, and refines decision-making processes by leveraging machine learning algorithms.

What are the benefits of Web3?

Web3 confers numerous benefits, which include enhanced privacy, diminished dependence on centralized platforms, peer-to-peer interactions, and the privilege to own and monetize personal data.

What is a DAO (Decentralized Autonomous Organization)?

A DAO is an organization governed by rules encoded as a computer program, offering transparency, member control, and immunity from central government interference. DAOs are essentially a product of blockchain technology.

How are NFTs (Non-Fungible Tokens) related to blockchain?

NFTs, a unique type of digital asset, utilize blockchain technology to establish ownership and authenticity of distinctive items or pieces of content. Every NFT possesses a digital signature that sets it apart from other tokens.

What are DApps (Decentralized Applications)?

DApps operate as applications on a P2P computer network, rather than on a singular computer. Similar to web apps, DApps employ languages like HTML for frontend creation. However, they use smart contracts on the blockchain for their backend.

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Review Certification Focus Areas and Exam Competencies from the Web3 Certification Board.


March 28
1:00 pm - 2:00 pm
Event Categories:
