Bitcoin Miner Configuration (At-Home)
July 28 @ 12:00 pm - 3:00 pm

Monday | 3 Hours | 12:00-3:00 PM EST
Join LIVE for the Bitcoin Miner Configuration!
Students enrolled in the Bitcoin Mining Bootcamp are eligible to attend this Bitcoin Miner Configuration session. This interactive session offers invaluable insights into set-up, optimization, and maintenance of your bitcoin mining machine.
What to Expect:
During this live session, our instructors will help help you set up your mining pool, configure your miner, and optimize your new machine. They will also teach you how to maintain your miner, walk you through a machine breakdown, and teach you about each individual part of your Bitcoin miner. Expect to disassemble your unit (screwdriver required!), be ready with power and ethernet connections, and to begin your mining journey!
Key Concepts Covered:
- Bitcoin Miner Configuration (basic)
- Bitcoin Miner Optimization (Over/Under Clocking)
- Bitcoin Miner Breakdown (take apart)
- Bitcoin Miner Mainentance
- Pool Configuration
Why Attend?
The Bitcoin Miner Configuration is an integral piece of the Bitcoin Mining Bootcamp. This session functions as a capstone, allowing you to put the theory you’ve learned in the course into practice. By the end of this 3 hour session, each student will have a configured, optimized Bitcoin miner running on the pool of their choice. Each student will also learn to break down the machine, replace broken components, and learn about the hardware in depth. These sessions are essential to attend to make sure you are fully prepared to sit for the Web3 Certification Board (W3CB) Miner+ Certification exam.
How to Join:
Join via the link in the course and come prepared to get your machine online. Don’t miss out on this opportunity to learn from the best and stay ahead in the fast-paced world of Bitcoin mining.