Ryan Williams | June 16, 2023
Blockchain as the new corporation – moving to a DAO
If you have not heard of the term DAO, it is the short form of Decentralized Autonomous Organization. You are going to hear it frequently in the blockchain era. Blockchain… Continue reading Blockchain as the new corporation – moving to a DAO
Ryan Williams | June 12, 2023
Caught in Blockchain’s Digital Headlights
Nolan Bauerle, an author at Coindesk, says that blockchain technology based on its qualities and merits is not the new technology. Instead, it is a blend of proven technologies being… Continue reading Caught in Blockchain’s Digital Headlights
Ryan Williams | June 9, 2023
Blockchain Digital Implementation Strategies
Blockchain technology is becoming more mainstream in business IT strategies in multiple industries. For instance, the food giant Walmart has announced several projects involving blockchain technology. Walmart, in collaboration with… Continue reading Blockchain Digital Implementation Strategies
Ryan Williams | June 7, 2023
Strategic Technology Choices
Hyper-automation, AI security, blockchain, distributed cloud, and IoT drive disruption and result in opportunities that make the strategic technology choices for this year. Astonishing technologies such as hearing aids and… Continue reading Strategic Technology Choices
Ryan Williams | June 2, 2023
Those Who Control the Blockchain Talent Win
Blockchain networks are leveraged on novel principles like permission-less use, open access, and decentralized infrastructure that is devoid of control by one person. However, a myth getting increasingly popular these… Continue reading Those Who Control the Blockchain Talent Win
Ryan Williams | May 26, 2023
Case Studies: Successful Implementation of Soulbound Tokens in Education
As the potential of Soulbound Tokens in education becomes more apparent, several real-life examples of successful implementations have emerged. In this article, we will explore these case studies to understand… Continue reading Case Studies: Successful Implementation of Soulbound Tokens in Education
Ryan Williams | May 24, 2023
Blockchain For Healthcare Benefits Both Patients & Healthcare Administrators
According to an article published in Forbes, the United States is all set to spend around 20 percent of its GDP on healthcare in 2021. The challenges faced by the… Continue reading Blockchain For Healthcare Benefits Both Patients & Healthcare Administrators
Ryan Williams | May 19, 2023
The Impact of Soulbound Tokens on the Value and Perception of Educational Content
The value and perception of educational content are crucial factors that influence students’ choices and their willingness to invest time and resources in learning. Traditional educational materials, like textbooks and… Continue reading The Impact of Soulbound Tokens on the Value and Perception of Educational Content
Ryan Williams | May 15, 2023
A Simple Smart Contract for Non-Programmers to Read
This smart contract allows two players to place a bet on a number between 1 and 100. One player can choose the winning number, and then both players can place… Continue reading A Simple Smart Contract for Non-Programmers to Read
Ryan Williams | May 12, 2023
Monetizing and Rewarding Educational Content with Soulbound Tokens
The traditional models of funding education primarily rely on tuition fees, government funding, and donations. These methods, while they have served us well for centuries, have their limitations and challenges.… Continue reading Monetizing and Rewarding Educational Content with Soulbound Tokens
Ryan Williams | May 10, 2023
How Blockchain Disruption is Revolutionizing Various Industries
The Workforce Revolution has begun Blockchain technology is considered to be one of the most revolutionary technologies of our time, following the success of Bitcoin. It is a decentralized, secure,… Continue reading How Blockchain Disruption is Revolutionizing Various Industries
Ryan Williams | May 5, 2023
Soul bound Tokens as a Verification Tool in Education
The education sector has long grappled with the issue of verifying and validating learning achievements. Traditional methods, such as transcripts and certificates, are vulnerable to forgery and loss. With the… Continue reading Soul bound Tokens as a Verification Tool in Education
Ryan Williams | May 1, 2023
7 Reasons Elected Officials Need to Learn More About Blockchain
As the adoption of blockchain technology continues to grow, it is increasingly important for elected officials to understand the technology and its potential impact. Here are seven reasons why elected… Continue reading 7 Reasons Elected Officials Need to Learn More About Blockchain
Ryan Williams | April 24, 2023
What are Consensus Mechanisms in Blockchains
Consensus is a critical component of any blockchain system. It ensures that all nodes in the network agree on the state of the blockchain and the validity of transactions, and… Continue reading What are Consensus Mechanisms in Blockchains
Ryan Williams | April 17, 2023
How will blockchain impact the Insurance industry?
Insurance companies are working in a highly competitive environment where both retail and corporate clients want the best value for their money and an unmatched online experience. Blockchain technology brings… Continue reading How will blockchain impact the Insurance industry?
Ryan Williams | March 27, 2023
CBDC What Value Do They Bring To The Market?
As central banks are intensifying their research on the Central Bank Digital Currencies (CBDCs), the CBDCs’ international dimension to facilitate cross-border payments will be huge. While most of the CBDCs… Continue reading CBDC What Value Do They Bring To The Market?
Ryan Williams | March 20, 2023
CBDC: Do They Need Blockchain Or DLTs To Run?
Discussions that include Central bank Digital Currencies are often implicitly linked with blockchains and DLTs, Digital Ledger Technology. Since the whole financial market has begun to take an interest in… Continue reading CBDC: Do They Need Blockchain Or DLTs To Run?

Ryan Williams | January 2, 2023
What are Soulbound Tokens
Soulbound tokens, also known as non-fungible tokens (NFTs), are digital assets that represent unique items or experiences. Unlike traditional cryptocurrencies, which are interchangeable and can be freely exchanged for one… Continue reading What are Soulbound Tokens
Ryan Williams | January 2, 2023
What are Soulbound Tokens
Soulbound tokens, also known as non-fungible tokens (NFTs), are digital assets that represent unique items or experiences. Unlike traditional cryptocurrencies, which are interchangeable and can be freely exchanged for one… Continue reading What are Soulbound Tokens
Ryan Williams | November 16, 2022
Weekly Live Blockchain Instructor AMA FRIDAY 11/18 1 PM EST
Join the Weekly Live Blockchain Instructor AMA Session to get answers and learn alongside others while simultaneously building your network of professionals. Come and ask your instructor anything Blockchain related.… Continue reading Weekly Live Blockchain Instructor AMA FRIDAY 11/18 1 PM EST

Ryan Williams | October 22, 2022
Blockchain Student Orientation Overview
Blockchain Student Orientation Overview Whether enrolling in a single online course or an extensive Certification program, you must prepare for the academic and social learning that compose your educational journey.… Continue reading Blockchain Student Orientation Overview

Ryan Williams | July 29, 2022
3 Reasons Why Companies Who Invest in Blockchain Talent Today Will Rule Over the Blockchain Industry of Tomorrow
Blockchain networks built on novel principles like permission-less use, open access, and decentralized infrastructure devoid of the control by one person are hallmarks of the emerging technology.

Ryan Williams | July 29, 2022
Leading Edge Crypto Trading Simulator launched by The Blockchain Academy
We are so excited to launch Crypto Trading Simulator. The Blockchain Academy was born out of another company, CapitalWave, that provided graduate onboarding for major investment banks and insurance companies.

Ryan Williams | July 29, 2022
2022 Global Blockchain Employment Report
With most people spending less than five years in every job, it’s no wonder they’re looking for promising new career opportunities. Blockchain specialists earn more than individuals in corresponding positions in other industries.